Ronnie can be contacted at:
tel: 0141 632 7107
mobile: 07854794052 (for urgent matters)
The club adheres to highest of standards in terms of Child Welfare. Coaches and all others helping at our children’s training sessions and events are subject to the updated Protection of Voluntary Groups (PVG) procedures. They are also encouraged to attend the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Workshops and complete the UKA Safeguarding Module. We also ensure that safe practices are in place at our training sessions and events.
In relation to policy and procedures within the club, we are bound by the well outlined set of policies and procedures of Scottish Athletics as well as our Codes of Conducts for all those associated with the Club. These policies and procedures can be accessed at the following links.
Welfare –
Safeguarding –
Clean Sport –
Mental Health and Safeguarding –
Codes of Conduct –