Giffnock North AC are winners of the Lindsays Trophy once again.
The southside Glasgow club delivered a remarkable 254 finishers across the three main National XC events last winter at Cumbernauld, Kirkcaldy and Falkirk. It’s the first time any club has topped the 250 mark and, just as exciting, we can confirm that 11 clubs now finished more than 100 athletes at the three #LindsaysXC
Edinburgh AC were second with 198 finishers and Garscube Harriers third with 159. Completing the top five are Cambuslang (143) and Central AC (142).
This year, again, the number of clubs with at least one athlete finished at the National XC Relays, the Short Course and the National XC tops 100. The sport is thrilled to have 114 clubs represented in the final table (115 last year).
Sandy Lamb, Glasgow partner for major sponsor Lindsays, awarded the trophy to Giffnock North at a special presentation at a training night at Williamwood High School.
In addition, Scottish Athletics were pleased to present two further trophies from the Lindsays National XC at Falkirk – the AT Mays trophy for overall male performance and the Pat Spence Trophy for overall female performance. These annual trophies are calculated via placings in races at all age groups at Callendar Park.
‘On behalf of everyone at the club, from youngest Junior to most experienced Veteran, let me say how delighted we are to have retained the Lindsays Trophy,’ said Giffnock North AC President, Billy Glasgow.
‘It’s a high-profile, tangible reward for all the hard work – seen and unseen – entailed in supporting the cross-country season’s major events. Fulsome thanks must go to Lindsays for their ongoing and considerate backing of the sport. Having such a far-sighted sponsor makes a real, constructive difference to the sport.’
Added Giffnock North Endurance Coach Lynne Macdougall, ‘The Lindsays Trophy is a prize we enjoy competing for, because it is about getting teams out there racing at blue-riband National events.
‘The more runners, the deeper and keener the competition, the higher the standard, the more exhilarating the atmosphere. It all makes for a thoroughly memorable, big day out for all, including the volunteers, relatives, parents and supporters. It helps give the youngsters in particular a flavour of the best things in sport – camaraderie, trying to be your best, contributing to the team, discovering horizons beyond your own club.”
‘‘Winning five age group golds at the 2023 Lindsays National XC was a nice way to crown a demanding winter for our athletes and coaches. We look forward to defending the Lindsays Trophy next year and going to the start lines alongside even more strong, ambitious clubs.’
Sandy Lamb, a Partner at Lindsays who presented the trophy, said, “It’s a pleasure to present Giffnock North AC with the Lindsays Trophy as the club’s impressive record of success in the competition continues. Our congratulations to their athletes, coaches and supporters.
“It’s clear from everyone involved that this has been another strong season. We are delighted to have seen more than 100 clubs compete, demonstrating the great reach of – and growing participation in – athletics in communities across Scotland.
“The links between participation in sport, good physical health and positive mental health have never been clearer. The three are key to better lives, healthier communities and a thriving economy. This is why we are so proud to put our name to this trophy.”
GB Internationals Duncan Robinson and Hannah Ryding helped make the presentation at the club’s training base at Williamwood High School in East Renfrewshire.
AT Mays & Pat Spence (
Each year, there are two overall trophies on offer at the Lindsays National XC.
We are pleased to announce that Giffnock North AC are the successful defenders of both the AT Mays Trophy for overall performances in the male division and the Pat Spence Trophy for overall performances in the female division.
It’s exceptional for one club to put their name on both of these trophies in the same year, never mind two years in a row, so well done the club and all our athletes, coaches and team managers.
Report by Croy Thomson