Scottish T&F Championships u13/15/20

There were some magnificent performances by our athletes at the Scottish u13/15/20 Track &Field Championships over the weekend (27th & 28th August), headed up by u20 Rachel Callan who took no less than three National titiles. Rachel won the 100m, 200m & 400m hurdles. Murray Fotheringham. also u20, weighed in with two titles, 200m & 400m. Hannah Ryding (u20) took the 1500m title. In the younger age groups u13 Angus Weir jumped to Long Jump Gold and u15 Isla Ross triumphed in the High Jump.

In total Giffnock athletes secured a total of 20 medals. Full details below.

Rachel Callan
u20WRachel Callan100m12.53
u20WRachel Callan200m24.64
u20WRachel Callan400m H61.11
u20WHannah Ryding1500m4.32.03
u20MMurray Fotheringham200m21.48
u20MMurray Fotheringham400m48.50
u15GIsla RossHigh Jump1.66
u13BAngus WeirLong Jump4.97
u20MChristopher Perkins1500m3.56.32
u20MMark Herbert-RuizPole Vault3.62
u15BRory Taylor-Young300m37.98
u15BMyles SocratesLong Jump5.47
u15GBrooke McClureHigh Jump1.54
u20MChristopher Perkins800m1.53.98
u20MConnor Harper1500m3.58.73
u20WIsla FotheringhamPole Vault2.91
u20WValencia Wright1500m4.38.43
u15BCalum Dick1500m4.10.90
u15GScarlet Wilson1500m4.43.81
u13BLogan McNulty800m2.25.76

Apologies if we have missed anyone. If so please email

Photos by Bobby Gavin